“Death has reared himself a throne
In a strange city lying alone
Far down within the dim West
Where the good and the bad and
The worst and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest.”
In a strange city lying alone
Far down within the dim West
Where the good and the bad and
The worst and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest.”
We are all pawns of the darkness…like streams of water bound to flow into an ocean greater than our will. Night brings with it emotions which the light of day conceals in the veil we call ‘fear’.
Life is like a table game. The dice of life is the choices that arise in a person’s life…some choices are not exactly what we have hoped for…and yet we are forced to choose…the pathways are many…some filled with desire, convenience and insouciance. Other pathways are harder; they are the thorny pathways which many dare not to follow. Their beauty is wild, majestic and filled obstacles.
Emotions are bound to arise through the process of us…of our making. Any joy, pain, suffering, agony, happiness has to undergo through a process…through the human system and the civilization that was passed on to us by our ancestors. To harness our intellect to comprehend the ‘whys’ of this world is pure human vanity. I believe that through all the human monstrosity, through the pain and the suffering that comes, the Night softens every brutal feeling; releases thoughts that our consciousness does not dare to yield to.
Many choose the pathway of flatine…because inside our Pandora’s box our human vanity thrives on fear…There will always be lambs as long as we allow certain people be the wolves, hence this results in the submission of the masses.
The pathway of the rollercoaster is like a grotesque theme park which hides a dazzling treasure at the end of it. It is like the never-ending story, filled with gothic mythical stories. Like a Tim Burton film, only the monsters are ten times more real and ten times more brutal. The strength one needs to have is beyond our human intellect, to fight the monsters which may come our way.
I do not believe that ignorance is bliss…for it prevents the freedom of the spirit and of the mind. Knowledge is power, albeit it offers pain in its discovery. One has to be wise to be able to master the pain of knowledge, and through its hell find the truth, its paradise.
Fear makes people yield to their small passions, and lets their spirit die silently in the sunlight. And that is what’s tragic today. Our spirits die in the sun; and we merely stand still and stare.
The rollercoaster pathway albeit dark and obscure, at the end of it, it offers the sweetest delight of human satisfaction…the spirit is alive, the withered spirit has tasted and lived, and through the lifetime of harshness has learned to dare to fly where other souls can only imagine every night in their dreams.
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