It came that White night of Hell
The sinister Angel of Death
To beguile the human Souls with its Golden Flair
To flower them with opium and jest
It wept the night of the gilded earth
Like a Child of Darkness it begged for breath
The eerie sadness crept over its wrecked citadel
And waited there to steal its eyes’ firmament
It became known to the ghastly boulevard of spite
That the Carnival of Horrors would dance about it all night
Amongst the flowering hellfires of its unforgivable lies
Gabrielle would awake in the mists and rise
“My Children”, it would cry robustly
“Time is upon our tantalizing enterprise
My renegade followers of this musical mutilation
Break thy weak silence and embrace the Dark Scorn
Fly away from the New maniacs and the Old beasts
Disturb the fragmented moments of conventionalism
And reject the expected Travesty of Life
With the Dark Trick in thy souls to guide thee in the Light
The unadorned truth will be hidden in Ancient caves
Blasted and extracted away from thee like hate
Use thy beguiling voices to enter the Savage Garden
And distort their beatific smiles to cease their govern
Awake in the shadows of Mephistopheles
And battle the Monster’s magnanimous plan
Like fiddlers of this futile earth
Play on thy music, Children of the Night
With your embracing call
The Monster shall fall
Thy heart will mend its harms
And weaken its damnable life.”
And upon a nimbus moment the Angel went
Like a Dove in its crypt it lay
For the hope that Dawn would come some day
And embrace its twigged essence in the hay
Battling the black paranoia of existence
Had led it to this perfect horror of ambience
Ghastly weathers have ceased its Soul
And blew it in the corners of the Seven Worlds
The Light approached…
Quiet and warm, like a blanket in a snow
It covered the Crying Gabrielle,
And swept its body from the Monster’s hellish hands.
No more would the road lead
To the pits Underneath…
For Gabrielle had been wounded
Healed and risen in the New Lighted Eve!
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