Our body is our temple
...or so they say.
If it was so, then how do you explain plastic surgeons? How do you explain the materialistic plastic beauty we are sold on a daily basis by the media and how do you explain thongs, push-up bras and tuxedos in the middle of the desert?
All these might sound surrealistic and a bit too over the top, but it's quite true that people living in one of the developed or the developing countries in the world are victimized by fashion and by the media of what their image should be built on. In order to make an impression (for example) either in a new job environment or on a date there's a certain way you should present yourself...The in-style of the season is to look-natural-but-also-parade-your-many-skills-and-uncountable-talents-on-love-and-business-without-being-too-cocky-though.
We treat our "temple" like is a piece of material to be sold off to the highest bidder. Either for profession or for sex. What happened to the good old 'a healthy body is a healthy mind'? Why have we all become Angelina Jolie's lips, Megan Fox's thighs and Pam Anderson's boobs? Why even in sex do we like to have a bite of that plastic piece of body rather than appreciate what is simple and normal? Is looking good such a big deal...will it be such a bid deal at the end as well?
No, I'm not having a meltdown and I'm certainly not whinning for not having Monica Belluci's curves (although, okay they are amazing but still). Why can't everyone love their body just as it is, without beating it up daily ie.(by beating I mostly mean critisizing themselves from the moment they wake up till the moment they're passed out unconscious at night time).
Oooh and yes I know....women should be beautiful.It's in their nature to look gloss and near-perfect for men to enjoy their beauty. Newsflash. All women are ordinary. Wait till you see one of your favorite glam model without make-up or her anti-wrinkle cream on and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Also, (and guys brace yourselves)..WOMEN HAVE BODY HAIR TOO! It's our nature to have them, we were all made that way, besides the fact that since the dawn of time we live in a patriarchal society and we are being taught since our birth that, 'yes, women are ALMOST (watch that almost) perfect creatures in their image and should be as beautiful and as hairless as men desire them to be.
Beauty is ordinary. And to create an image of yourself just to create it for the sake of others, that's hardly a natural beauty.
All I know is this....be as you are. No gimmicks, no false eye lashes, no lipstic that can hardly be kissed by someone...No masks. Drop off that mask and see yourself in the sun. Glorify your natural you without any guilt. There is no shame on your normality...normal is mediocre, normal is simple, simple is the best!
Less is more!!!

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