Just like that, just like this
My heart trembles on your knees
Eight months and some days
Till eyes of sparkle meet again
I thought I was dead and immune to your foreign call
But just like this, just like that
Everything again turned to cold
This time I will face the dragon alone
And fight his shadows which call
You’re still away but yet you long for that unexisted closeness inside
I thought I could, I thought I had, lost you
But just like that, just like this
Once more I’m on my knees
I have passed you and found myself through your ashes
But you’re resurrecting in me slowly
Just like sin into an unwanted pious cell
Leave! Leave, I say
Be gone, hard feeling and leave me behind
Take off thy mask and expose their grief
Your villainy and lechery,
Be gone from this tranquillity,
This peace that surrounds me
Be gone and look back no more
Just like this, just like that
Unveil your hideousness
And prove me right once more
Help me escape this dance you’ve put me in
And make me sit silent and immobile
I loved your past, so long ago
I fear to meet your present, now here I go
And long to taste your future, alone
Agonizing, this wait it is
Agonizing and painful to discover thee, again
But just like that, just like this
I’ll arm myself and defeat the feeling
That brings my bosom down and makes me still
For truly now, there’s you without me
As it always was and is
Just like that, just like this!
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