A true friend is the one who isnt afraid of telling you the truth no matter how bad it might hurt you
A true friend is the one who will guide you and support you with every means possible when you're in an hour of need or anxiety
A true friend is the one who no matter how bad you might screw things up will understand you and still forgive you
A true friend is the one who loves you unconditionally, and even if your flaws list is bigger than the Sping Top Shop Catalogue
A true friend is the one who will ditch everything and everyone for you when you need them the most
A true friend is the one who will not laugh or mock at your loses or take any pleasure in seeing you failling
A true friend is the one who will offer you their company when you need a shoulder to cry on
A true friend is the one who at the end of the day no matter how bad things might be they will tell you that everything's gonna be alright and that you'll get through the rough times together
A true friend is the one who will do the first step for making up after a huge row youu had the previous day
A true friend is the one that acknowledges the fact that indeed your friendship is MORE important than their latest relationship
A true friend is the one who will come in the middle of the night to comfort you after a heartbreak you've just experienced
A true friend is the one who will think of you first above anything else and who will try their best not to disappoint you
A true friend is the one who will show you their love through the small and ordinary things everyday
A true friend is the one who will tell you that they are there for you in case you need them
A true friend is the one who will give you an affirmation of your friendship without you asking for it
If you think that all the above statements are aplicable to your friendships then yes YOU ARE A TRUE FRIEND!
Relationships come and go but friendships...they tend to come once every decade maybe longer...but if you lose them...
then the damage might cost youu a lifetime to repair what you might have broken...Do not let your friends drift apart or try NOT to hurt them so much that the
damage might be irrepairable...Learn to love and appreciate your friends...becasue without them...YOUR life will be fragmented by millions of dazed episodes
that youu won't be able to fit into...Learn to love your friends!!!
Friendship is trully the salt and pepper of life!
"Friendship isn't how you forget, but how you forgive.
Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not how you see, but how you feel.
No how you let go but how you hold on."
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