And mine eyes cannot depart from yours,
And a wicked feeling is bringing my bossom to a shut down
But alas it cannot be helped unless mine lips are in unison with yours
I hate thee, for I cannot extract your spirit from mine
But thy heart belongs to a different womanhood, who nartures your sweet self.
I cannot lie that I desire what wounds me the most
But I shall remain on the side
For thy happiness for me is above all
Bloody!,Bloody day you pranced through my life,
Thy golden hair and your blue devil's eyes,
Have captured mine heart in a crystal glass,
Suffocating me by each passing minute
Squeezing the life out of me
Holding my half heart in your giant's hands
Unbelievable Belzebub!, you have charmed me into your inferno
Holding mine spirit into sweet slavery
Making it impossible to release myself from this glorious sinful hell which I was lured in
Exterior you hate me,
But in your dark pit of a heart you desire for what I provide
I don't have the charming weapons to lure you into my sin
But with half a heart
I can shake thy universe
My loins growl for your sinful phyicality
And my spirit is departing slowly,
Unable to try your taste on my lustful lips.
You're guarded by another hyena
Which my subtle self cannot exterminate
Tarry I here, for my sweet release by a shaky confession
Grudging you, won't aid mine heart overcoming you
Enticing you, won't do neither with my feeble appearance.
To thine eyes' , tiny pebble am I
Indifferent I may seem
But full of desire I'm in.
Love thee I cannot yet admit
Yearn for thee it is achieved
How to discard the sensations building within my bossom
Hurt thee I yet cannot
Feel thee I shall not.
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