Πέμπτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Winters Come, Winters Go

How cruel a burden
To have lookt in thy abyss
To have swam in thy dune
Bathed in thy chaos and see paradise

How sinister a thought
To have thy bonds planted in eternity
To have thy gaze blown away
Into another obscure path, into another way

How fearsome to lead mine dead-ends
To have witnessed the oblivion of knowledge
To be turned away from the fruit
But yet tasted it in mine weary fantasies

How troublesome thy winters have reached me
To build our bond in two worlds’ apart
To be sardonically unable to melt thy steel heart
For thy Midas’ thoughts will always be mine crash

How wearisome to hear thy blistering sounds in the wind
To malt my hairy pane for thy wanton sympathies
Chafing my appetites to thy passive commands
Whilst bathing in the moonlight of thy bloodbath

How cruel-some to fall amiss in thy absent sounds
To scratch the pavements thou hast walked on
To feel reborn through thy ashes
And face a new dawn, without you in it!

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