Dive in the Alley
Empty thy Dark Luggage
Hope for another Hollow dream
Lock thy eyes for the Longing myth
No matter how deeply in love or out of love you might think you’ve fallen, it is merely your human vanity reflecting on the other person’s feelings. I felt this sadness…this emptiness in my fingers, this weakness in my knees. I felt the sadness of watching that someone, my someone, my potential someone, to stare into another’s eyes and light up…I felt this emptiness that asphyxiates me every time I want to utter words of romance, words of blasphemy, words of sweet illusion…every time I am tempted to honey my someone up, I encounter a glorious bolder and then….a cliff…my cliff…that tells me that HE is not mine…that tells me that no one will ever be mine…and that all the people who truly love me are unjustly away from me… Empty thy Dark Luggage
Hope for another Hollow dream
Lock thy eyes for the Longing myth
I hate this weakness in the knees…I hate this addiction of an imperfect nothingness…being strapped upon an empty island with no survival kit…I hate having to suffocating insidious jokes just to get by…I hate being angry in the injustice around me…I hate wanting…and not having…I hate being made to choose when I do not wish to…I hate being forced to act when I don’t want to…
My heart is half…one big part of it had to be sacrificed for survival…a big part of it had to be kept away for selfishness…my heart is half…
“Women were not made to woo but to be wooed”…the fellow said. Women were made be toys in the puritanical ethics of the patriarchal society. They were made to be subjected to humiliation, degradation, lies, treason, adultery, betrayal…Women were made for the male’s sport…Nothing but to feast upon…Woman has conquered nothing since HER dawn…but controls everything human! I pity those who are unfortunate enough to exist in this era…for nothing will ever, nor ever, will change till this world is shuttered to pieces into the Divine unknown…I long for a lover's touch to softly caress me in the wee hours…I long for my second psyche to stroke my mind in the eternal hours of my human life…someday all this will end…and I shall feel no more…
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