Τετάρτη 21 Μαΐου 2008
The fiery dream - Το πύρινο όνειρο
The fiery dream
This overflowing sensation of feelings has overwhelmed my body, my entire entity. I dreamed of far of hedonistic desires that I thought my body would never be able to taste. And yet in my dream land I have felt, sensed and tasted this luscious, glorious, spectacular and full of nectar emotions. I found a safe heaven in dreams, where I could touch, and taste the pleasure, succumb and deny my fears and inhibitions and give in to this powerful hand which grips me and leads me in an abyss of ecstatic experiences. I sensed your body touching mine, have felt you take me in, suck me from head to toe and overwhelmed all my buried sensations. You dazed my brain and froze anything cold and unwilling. You freed the hotness in me, the fiery passion and the obsession of my unwilling body and have led me slowly to give in to all the pleasure without looking back. Driven by the fire in my heart, and not the coldness of my head…but I have only tasted you in my dreams, my watery, earthy dreams. Nothing actual, but the glorious dreamy pleasure that you offer me. Your luscious lips have circled my reality within and your big beautiful physique dazzles me over and over again, not letting me look away. Heart-throbbing and folding my insides in two and no matter how I pine and perish there’s only the coldness in my eyes for you to see, because this luscious monster, this glorious heat that you have awaken cannot be discerned in daylight. Nighttime is my dawn; the time where I can spit fires and fly in passionate worlds.
Το πύρινο όνειρο
Πέρασες τα τείχη της φοβίας και ξύπνησες τα πιο καλά μου παθιασμένα ένστικτα. Έψαξες και βρήκες όλα τα κολασμένα μου αισθήματα και με ανέστησες στα γήινα όνειρα μου. Πάλεψες με κάθε τι κρύο και απόμακρο μέσα μου και βγήκες νικητής με όλο μου το πάθος να αντανακλά στην γυάλινη ατμόσφαιρα. Φιλιά γεμάτα φωτιά και ακλόνητος πόθος σκορπίστηκε στο τρομαγμένο μου κορμί και εσύ σα γίγαντας έγειρες απάνω μου να με προστατέψεις με την πεινασμένη ασπίδα του υπέροχου, απέραντου κορμιού σου. Έγινα νεφέλη μέσα στο ηφαίστειο σου και αναδύθηκα μέσα από τους κρυστάλλινους αφρούς της ηδονιστικής κόλασης που με παράσυρες. Ανακάλυψα την έκσταση και την απόλαυση χωρίς ντροπή. Γεύτηκα όλο σου το είναι και εγκατέλειψα το κρύο χθες για το πύρινο σήμερα. ……πόθος…πάθος….και ηδονή….της μονότονης ζωής μου εσύ!
~Για τον Niko~
Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2008
Saint's damnation
You buy my spirit with those shameless eyes
That burn my soul
You lose the torrent stream of my desire
You make my lips your prize
And on them burns the whole life's hope:
you deem; you buy a heart;
but I am well aware how my damnation dwells in that supreme
Passion to fell upon your shoulder's bear
And pass the dewy delight of our sin
In the intorelable flames of hair
That clothe my body from your head; you win
The devil's bargain; I am yours to kill
Yours for one kiss
Oh bitter Love! Consuming all my will
Oh Love destroying, that hast drained my life
Of all those fountains of dear blood that fill
My heart! Oh woman, would thy called you wife?
Would thy content you with one touch divine
To float your spirit with clinging strife
Of perfect passionate joy
The joy of wine
The drunkness of extreme pleasure
Filled from sin amazing cup
Oh mine, mine, mine!
Mine if your kisses maddened me or killed me
Mine at the prize of my damnation deep
Mine if you will as once your glances wilt
Take me or break me, slay or soothe to sleep
If only yours one hour, one perfect hour
Rememberance and despair and hope to sleep
In the infernal potion of that flower
My poisonous passion for your blood
Behold! How utterly I yield
How gladly dower our sin with my own spirts
Quenched gold clothed love with my own soul's immortal power
Give thee my body, as a fire to hold
Oh Love!, no words, no songs--your breasts my bower!
~Aleister Crowley~
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