No morrow for thee
In the spring thou shall flee
In the land of emeralds your star was hatched
But soon demolished by the greedy pleebes.
Hast thou got the strength to lead on
For time and nature
Are in the constant battle of the fiends
Thou hast promised thy heart long ago
On the day of the universe
And to engulf your soul in the dark pathway
Will be the most menacing task
But thou hast to hold hard
To rise above the stars.
Αν μπορούσα να κρατήσω τον ουρανό που σ'αγκαλίαζει θα το έκανα.
Αφού όμως χλευάζεις τον δικό μου και τον απορρίπτεις συνεχώς,
Τότε δεν αξίζει να υπάρχουν μαύρες νεφέλες στον ουρανό μου για σένα.
Grounded in a seedless land
Trapped under this eternal stormy wave
Trying always to grasp the edge of a cliff
Unable to hold on this burning ferry
Who could imagine that in my golden years
I would be so rusty
And whilst everyone sees the dullness of me
I always try to prevent them from observing just my surface
Growing in the gutter like an purposeless plant
Being stepped upon always for being generous to offer its beauty
Thus always sad for being ignored.
Οι πιο συναρπαστικές στιγμές της ζωή μας
Γεννιούνται μέσα απο την ανία
Psychedellic music is pure noise. R'n'B is a little less noisy.
And I cannot dance to something that has no melody and rhythm in it.
Dance is an impulse, an expression of feeling!